
oh those carnal soundwaves...

apparently, sea lions, seagulls, and great blue herons find bagpipes irresistible. A grand total of 5 gulls, 4 sea lions, and 2 great blue herons joined me for my entire 1 hour practice by the beach last night. they never moved. in fact, the sea lions were getting alarmingly close towards the end. oh, the power I have over animals... if only I could harness it, there would never be a need for that goddamn electrofisher ever again...

1 comment:

Canadian Mark said...

I seem to have a greater problem with the smaller beasts, such as mosquitos, chad flies, and moths while piping on the boardwalks of Northern Ontario.

True, the average moth isn't quite as dangerous as a sea lion, however, moths creep me out none the less.

Anyhoo, glad to finally see another bagpiper's blog.